Source code for gidgethub

"""An async GitHub API library"""
__version__ = "5.3.0"

import http
from typing import Any, Optional

[docs] class GitHubException(Exception): """Base exception for this library."""
[docs] class ValidationFailure(GitHubException): """An exception representing failed validation of a webhook event."""
[docs] class HTTPException(GitHubException): """A general exception to represent HTTP responses.""" def __init__(self, status_code: http.HTTPStatus, *args: Any) -> None: self.status_code = status_code if args: super().__init__(*args) else: super().__init__(status_code.phrase)
[docs] class RedirectionException(HTTPException): """Exception for 3XX HTTP responses."""
[docs] class BadRequest(HTTPException): """The request is invalid. Used for 4XX HTTP errors. """
[docs] class BadRequestUnknownError(BadRequest): """A bad request whose response body is not JSON.""" def __init__(self, response: str) -> None: self.response = response super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)
[docs] class RateLimitExceeded(BadRequest): """Request rejected due to the rate limit being exceeded.""" # Technically rate_limit is of type gidgethub.sansio.RateLimit, but a # circular import comes about if you try to properly declare it. def __init__(self, rate_limit: Any, *args: Any) -> None: self.rate_limit = rate_limit if not args: super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, "rate limit exceeded") else: super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, *args)
[docs] class InvalidField(BadRequest): """A field in the request is invalid. Represented by a 422 HTTP Response. Details of what fields were invalid are stored in the errors attribute. """ def __init__(self, errors: Any, *args: Any) -> None: """Store the error details.""" self.errors = errors super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, *args)
[docs] class ValidationError(BadRequest): """A request was unable to be completed. Represented by a 422 HTTP response. Details of what went wrong are stored in the *errors* attribute. """ def __init__(self, errors: Any, *args: Any) -> None: """Store the error details.""" self.errors = errors super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY, *args)
[docs] class GitHubBroken(HTTPException): """Exception for 5XX HTTP responses."""
[docs] class GraphQLException(GitHubException): """Base exception for the GraphQL v4 API.""" def __init__(self, message: str, response: Any) -> None: self.response = response super().__init__(message)
[docs] class BadGraphQLRequest(GraphQLException): """A 4XX HTTP response.""" def __init__(self, status_code: http.HTTPStatus, response: Any) -> None: assert 399 < status_code < 500 self.status_code = status_code super().__init__(response["message"], response)
[docs] class GraphQLAuthorizationFailure(BadGraphQLRequest): """401 HTTP response to a bad oauth token.""" def __init__(self, response: Any) -> None: super().__init__(http.HTTPStatus(401), response)
[docs] class QueryError(GraphQLException): """An error occurred while attempting to handle a GraphQL v4 query.""" def __init__(self, response: Any) -> None: super().__init__(response["errors"][0]["message"], response)
[docs] class GraphQLResponseTypeError(GraphQLException): """The GraphQL response has an unexpected content type.""" def __init__(self, content_type: Optional[str], response: Any) -> None: super().__init__( f"Response had an unexpected content-type: '{content_type!r}'", response )